GROW with Robin

Yoga, Breathwork, Counseling, Writings

Welcome. Thank you for being here! I’m Robin.

There may be more available in your beautiful life that you can currently see.

I know that you long to do it all for the love of yourself, your children, and the generations to come.

I know because I know Yoga—the poses and far beyond.

Let’s grow together.

GROW and Live Well

Robin’s Contributions



Yoga Retreats Please note this is an example of a retreat from last year. Lean in and Listen - A Yoga Retreat for Women There is an unmistakable shift that happens [...]



Coaching Intro The GROW Method provides a roadmap to support our becoming. It is a way to journey into our humanness so that we may find the freedom to touch our aliveness. [...]

If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.
– Clarissa Pinkola Estés