
Meet Robin

My childhood flowed with an innocent, wholesome, “twinkle in the eye” wonder. My free-spirited nature led me on some amazing adventures as a: master tree climber, expert fort builder, barefoot grass twirler, fearless horseback rider, and lake swimmer, to name a few.

At 17 years old, while on a family vacation, I witnessed my mother experience an accident that caused major head trauma. For the next 19 years, I floundered. I fell prey to addictions, unrelenting fear, and limited beliefs about myself and the world.

In 2003, I discovered yoga and my ascent toward  freedom was initiated. Now, in the autumn of my life and flourishing, I’ve come to understand that my years of floundering were vital for the cultivation of my life’s purpose. I bow to my floundering and honor my transgressions. I focus on choices that serve my highest Self. Best of all, I see and feel the wonder around me again. My free-spiritedness from childhood is making a magical reappearance.

I see myself and our community in a learning relationship about life with each other; evolving to stand reverently on our own two feet. Yes, we still wobble, but with less frequency and intensity. We learn together how to embrace our humanity and take responsibility for our lives. And, we celebrate our courageous hearts as we humbly renegotiate our mind and body connection and dance with All That Is. 

My prayer is to create a community where like-hearted souls come together to thrive in the fullness of our wellness. My aim is to share experiences that support our most noble conduct off the mat, where we may revel in walking the high road together.

Formal trainings include: MA, Occupational Therapy, NYU; 200-hour Kripalu Yoga; 200-hour Katonah Yoga; 400-hour Alchemy of Breath Breathwork Facilitator (GPBA); Graceline Gridshare Teacher (in progress); RCYT, Yoga Ed.; Advanced Level 4 Esoteric Healing from Tibet; HG Practitioner Coach, Handel Group®Life Coaching

A special thank you to Devarshi Steven Hartman, Premshakti Mary Stout, Ally Bogard, Elena Brower, Seane Corn, Mickaela Grace, Susan Malcolm, and Paramatma Siri Sadhana.

And to my main teachers, Olivia and Stella, for the privilege of being your mom and inspiring me to live in alignment with my highest Truth.

Robin’s Writings


On Easter Sunday, I rose early at my dad’s house. His house sits on a hill with a somewhat manicured lawn that [...]


“Auntie Ro, can we go on our adventure today?” When my niece was four, and I thought I was too, [...]

If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.
– Clarissa Pinkola Estés


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