Growth Gatherings

My childhood flowed with an innocent, wholesome, “twinkle in the eye” wonder. My free-spirited nature led me on some amazing adventures as a: master tree climber, expert fort builder, barefoot grass twirler, fearless horseback rider, and lake swimmer,
to name a few.

At 18 years old, while on a family vacation, I witnessed my mother experience an accident that caused major head trauma. For the next 19 years, I floundered. I fell prey to addictions, unrelenting fear, and limited beliefs about myself and the world.

I began the ascent toward freedom when yoga and I found each other in 2003. Now, 54 years old and flourishing, I’ve come to understand that my years of floundering were vital for the cultivation of my life’s purpose. I bow to my floundering and honor my transgressions. I focus on choices that serve my highest Self. Best of all, I see and feel the wonder around me again. My free-spiritedness from childhood is making a magical reappearance.

I live what I teach and coach. I see myself and our community in a learning relationship about life with each other; evolving to stand reverently on our own two feet. Yes, we still wobble, but with less frequency and intensity. We learn together how to embrace our humanity and take responsibility for our lives.

My prayer is that we willingly experience a deep connection and aliveness within ourselves, cultivate the compassion that grows from there, and spread it to our families and beyond.



breathwork Three years ago, I went through another major life challenge. I woke up many nights in panic. My body hurt, and I was scared about my future. All the time. Then I [...]



Coaching Intro The GROW Method provides a roadmap to support our becoming. It is a way to journey into our humanness so that we may find the freedom to touch our aliveness. [...]



Yoga Retreats Please note this is an example of a retreat from last year. Lean in and Listen - A Yoga Retreat for Women There is an unmistakable shift that happens [...]

“If you have been in the presence of someone expressing their gift, you have felt their radiant energy. Robin so fully embraces and embodies the teachings of yoga, you can’t help but absorb her light. She has ignited in me a passion for yoga, and a shift in the way I engage with the world.

I had been to different yoga classes over the years, hoping I would love it, as I was aware of yoga’s many benefits. Each of the classes left me uninspired and uninterested, thinking simply. “yoga is just not for me”.

Rona F.
“Then I took one of Robin’s classes. I was immediately drawn in, not so much to the movement and poses, but to Robin’s messages of how we use yoga to stay present and open in our lives off the mat. Eight months later, I am a faithful follower of Robin. My body is stronger and more flexible and I have come to love and crave the postures. Mostly, I love that my mind and my heart are more fully aligned, and with an acute awareness of ‘just being’. Thank you, Robin, for sharing your gift!”.
Rona F. (continued)
“I took my friend Robin Giacomo’s class again today after not having been since September. I have missed her and I had somehow forgotten how fantastic her classes are. In addition to having a brilliant mind and being a spectacular person, she is really deep in her knowledge of the body, inner and outer, and it feels like you are treating yourself to take her class. So glad to have started a rainy, chilly day off right. Taking my inspiration to finally sit down and write up my final test class. Something about this morning also seems to have affirmed this path in my life.”

Lisa L.

Learn How to Grow