Frontiers of Health-How to Heal the Whole PersonTitle: Frontiers of Health: How to Heal the Whole Person
Published by: Rider
Release Date: 2005
Pages: 256
ISBN13: 978-1844131075

An essential guide to healing, this book combines medical expertise with unique insights into the human condition. As Dr. Christine Page illuminates the understanding of disease and spiritual growth, she explores the chakras and their relationship to disease, pathology, and soul unfoldment.

Known as a mystical physician, Dr. Christine Page has been a pioneer in the field of healthcare for over 40 years. Qualifying as a doctor from the University of London in 1978 and as a homeopath in 1989, she is a bridge builder between allopathic and complementary practitioners enhancing cooperation between both. She is passionate about holistic medicine, writing her first book Frontiers of Health in 1990, which examines the soul's message behind illness and the Mind, Body, Spirit Workbook, based on a successful training: Spirit in Practice.

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